When you work with National Family Mediation Service you are assured that you will be treated in a thoroughly professional way and that our friendly qualified mediators are chosen to be sympathetic and understanding towards you and your reasons for undertaking the mediation process.
Everything you say to us is in complete confidence and you can be assured that we will not take sides or sit in judgement over any issues that are likely to be discussed by either party.
All mediations are carried out under a strict Code of Practice and nothing said during the process can be used in evidence at a subsequent court hearing. Our mediators will remain unbiased before, during and after the mediation process and we are not allowed to influence the outcome of the mediation process.
National Family Mediation Service Wales is here to help you and the other party involved in your mediation by assisting you to reach your own satisfactory resolution to your differences that you both find acceptable.
As this is a voluntary process, you will be under no pressure to reach a decision and either party, or the mediator, can withdraw from the process at any time if they feel there is no likelihood of reaching a satisfactory outcome.
To help the process run smoothly we aim to accommodate those of you who have difficulty in making mediation sessions during our normal working hours. We offer out-of-hours sessions during the evenings or at weekends, We can facilitate mediation sessions via video or Skype conferencing, for those who live or work away.
Want fair access to your children? Speak to National Family Mediation